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Сообщение о вашем уходе

Предлагаю несколько рабочих вариантов - заменяйте названия компании и должности и прощальное письмо готово.


Hi all,

Today is my final day here at НАЗВАНИЕ_КОМПАНИИ. It has been quite a journey and I have loved every minute of it. For this, I would like to thank each and every one of you.

It has been more than pleasure to work with a group of dedicated and talented people. I wish you all the best and success in achieving the strong growth!

Hope we’ll meet again.


I’ll keep this short and sweet, as some of you may already know I’ve decided to leave НАЗВАНИЕ_КОМПАНИИ for a new challenge with my final day being tomorrow ДАТА.

I’d like to thank all of you that have contributed to my development or assisted me in one way or another over the last КОЛИЧЕСТВО years or so, special thanks to ИМЕНА КОЛЛЕГ and all the product owners/managers who have all been instrumental to my role, and not forgetting those in НАЗВАНИЯ ОТДЕЛОВ and other supporting roles.

I look forward to hearing great things about the business in the months and years ahead!


Hello everyone!

I have decided to venture towards new challenges and thus will be leaving НАЗВАНИЕ_КОМПАНИИ. After a little over three years, today was my last day of working here. I will surely miss all of you as there is an amazing group of people working for НАЗВАНИЕ_КОМПАНИИ. You will make great things!

My НАЗВАНИЕ_ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНОЙ_ДОЛЖНОСТИ duties will be handed over to ИМЯ_КОЛЛЕГИ. The email for reaching НАЗВАНИЕ_ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНОЙ_ДОЛЖНОСТИ will not change, but will stay as АДРЕС_ПОЧТЫ.

As we all know, it’s a small world after all, and I’m quite sure I will see many of you in our later life. Thus I won’t say “Goodbye”, but rather “See you later!”

All the best,



Письмо своей команде

Hello team,

Today is my last day here at НАЗВАНИЕ_КОМПАНИИ, we had a good run.

Here are my contact details for the future in case there is something left unclear on the work-related matters which I might help with. You are allowed to contact me on the non-work-related matters as well. :)


Сообщение об уходе подчинённого

Роль вроде архитектора ПО или старшего разработчика

Hi All,

With sadness I have to let you know that ИМЯ_СОТРУДНИКА has decided to leave НАЗВАНИЕ_КОМПАНИИ. ИМЯ_СОТРУДНИКА has been instrumental in creating the НАЗВАНИЕ_ПРОЕКТА platform technical capability.

With his experience and architectural vision, ИМЯ_СОТРУДНИКА has also been a huge help for the НАЗВАНИЕ_ПРОДУКТА core product and I’d like to take this opportunity to thank him for his contribution. ИМЯ_СОТРУДНИКА last day with us is ДАТА.

Изображение баннера

Роль вроде разработчика

Hello fellow ИМЯ_КОМАНДЫ members,

I'm sad to inform that ИМЯ_СОТРУДНИКА has decided to leave НАЗВАНИЕ_КОМПАНИИ, his last day will be ДАТА.

ИМЯ_СОТРУДНИКА has been in the team since ГОД. Thank you for the past years! You will be missed.

Also let's organize knowledge transfer meeting(s) next week.


I’m sorry for inform you that ИМЯ_СОТРУДНИКА is leaving НАЗВАНИЕ_КОМПАНИИ. His last working day is ДАТА. Prior to that date, ИМЯ_СОТРУДНИКА will be on holiday from ДАТЫ.

While some immediate rearrangement for work has already started today, let’s all thank ИМЯ_СОТРУДНИКА for his great contribution to НАЗВАНИЕ_ПРОДУКТА development and wish best of luck in his future challenges.

Роль вроде специалиста поддержки

Hi all,

ИМЯ_СОТРУДНИКА is leaving us today.

ИМЯ_СОТРУДНИКА has worked as НАЗВАНИЕ_ПОЗИЦИИ supporting our customers related to НАЗВАНИЕ_КОМПАНИИ products over КОЛИЧЕСТВО years.

We thank you ИМЯ_СОТРУДНИКА for excellent work and wish him all best to new challenges that he is heading!

Роль вроде тестировщика

Hello All,

Late announcement. ИМЯ_СОТРУДНИКА did leave us yesterday.

ИМЯ_СОТРУДНИКА has worked as QA Engineer in НАЗВАНИЕ_ПРОЕКТА project and he did work in НАЗВАНИЕ_ОТДЕЛА department including educating new employees about ОБЛАСТЬ matters.

We thank ИМЯ_СОТРУДНИКА for excellent work and wish him all the best to new challenges that he is heading.

Тестировщик, который пришёл во время пандемии коронавируса.

Hi All,

Again with a feeling of sadness, I’m informing you that ИМЯ_СОТРУДНИКА has decided to pursuit a career outside the company. His last working day is ДАТА.

ИМЯ_СОТРУДНИКА joined НАЗВАНИЕ_КОМАНДЫ QA team in ДАТА. Despite the difficult time of joining as pandemic was at its peak, ИМЯ_СОТРУДНИКА managed to learn and get up to speed quickly and ever since then he has become an invaluable member of the team. While I’m deeply saddened to see him go, at the same time I’m grateful for his hard work and contribution during last КОЛИЧЕСТВО years.

Please join me in thanks ИМЯ_СОТРУДНИКА hard work and good times together, and wish all the best in his future endeavors.

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